Support of the library is essential.  Donations may be made to the annual appeals of the Friends and/or the Trustees as well as the Paypal link below Gifts made in the name of another are gratefully acknowledged in the donor’s name.


The Friends of the Quechee Library are integral to the vitality of this community facility. Led by an active Steering Committee, the Friends support the library in several enriching ways. An annual appeal is made each May in conjunction with an annual meeting, election of offices, and a special program.  All Friends are invited to attend the monthly steering committee  meetings, generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m.

Friends are the primary source of the volunteers who staff the circulation desk, and also perform many other tasks at the Library.  They maintain a selection of gifts, including notecards, tote bags,  and coverlets. Work by local artists is often featured for gift items. Current officers are:  Jo Allsopp and Ann DeLoach, co-presidents; Jane Meunier-Powell, vice president-elect; Marsha Autilio, treasurer and Susan Shimko, secretary.

High Tea and Annual Meeting: Thursday, May 30 at 5 pm.  The public is invited to join for refreshments, a brief annual meeting, and a talk with exhibiting artist Landa Townsend.

Quechee Watercolor Print
Picture 004

Prints are available for purchase for $195 of this Quechee village scene painted by  watercolor artist Susan Pecora.  Made possible by a gift from Gladys Sullivan, the painting is on display at the library.


For over 30 years a booksale held in conjunction with the Quechee Balloon Festival has provided support for the library. Each year it is held over Father’s Day weekend as an important fundraiser. Donations of books and volunteers are essential. A minimized booksale is ongoing throughout the year and put on full display again during fall foliage season. The library benefits from not only the funds but also from donated items that are added to the collections. Please, however, donate only books in good condition as there is a cost to the library to remove those that cannot be sold.


We gladly accept your support in any form, whether in volunteer service, book donations, or monetary contributions.

Please mail checks to:
The Quechee Library Association
1957 Quechee Main Street
P.O. 384
Quechee, VT 05059

You may also donate online via Paypal/Credit Card: